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How can I join as an instructor?

Download the "Seshy - Instructor" App from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store to commence your registration. As part of our screening procedures, you will need to upload photos or screenshots of your ID, Certifications and Qualifications. Your documents are kept strictly confidential and will not be shared with any third party. You may also choose to only show the last four alphanumeric characters of your ID number.

What qualifications do I require?

We hope to offer a broad spectrum of program on seshy. Thus any relevant accreditation or certification in group fitness programs, personal training, sports science is welcome. You must also possess a valid CPR + AED certificate.

Besides these qualifications, you should also possess the confidence in conducting exercise sessions in a group and be a motivational role model to your participants.

How much will I get paid?

Your remuneration per session will be based on three factors: your experience on seshy, class size and duration. We are transparent about the formula to calculate your remuneration - it can be viewed from the Instructor Guide found within your Instructor App.

Is there any restriction on where I can conduct my sessions?

Not at all. Sessions are typically held in parks and open spaces near office or residential areas. You can be creative and offer a unique experience to your participants. However, please ensure that the location is safe and accessible to your participants, and permits are obtained from the property owner/management if necessary.

Am I an employee if I become an instructor?

No, you will be engaged as a freelancer - you decide when and how often you conduct your sessions and be remunerated accordingly.

Where can I learn more about some of the features within App?

Please refer to the Instructor Guide found within your Instructor App. It provides instructions and information regarding listing and managing sessions, attendance, managing your earnings, and cancellation policies.

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