How much is a seshy subscription?
We have launched seshy in 2022 with a one-month free trial and promotional price of $10/week after the trial ends. Full pricing will be reinsitated in Q2 2023. Please check the App for the latest promotion or pricing.
How will I get billed?
Upon the end of your free trial, you will be asked to provide your credit card details for payment of the subscription fee. If you choose a "Pay-As-You-Go" package, your card will be charged once immediately and the booking entitlements will be activated instantly. If you select an "Unlimited" package, you will be charged automatically based on the duration you select (e.g. every month) to allow you undisrupted access to seshy.
How many sessions can I attend?
As many as you can handle!
Can I cancel my subscription?
If you are still within the free trial period with no credit card details provided, there is nothing for you to cancel and no payment will ever be taken. If you have commenced a paid subscription, you may cancel your subscription within your App in the "Account Settings" screen.
I cancelled my subscription halfway through the week, will I get any refund?
There will be no pro-rated refund if you cancel midway through a billing cycle. However, you may still access the App to make bookings till end of that cycle.
For example: If you are on an Unlimited weekly package, your subscription started on a Tuesday and therefore you are charged every Tuesday. If you cancel your subscription on a Friday, you still have full access to the App till the following Monday night.
Is it safe?
Instructors on seshy are trained and certified by professional organisations or accreditation bodies. These are the same standards as those required by gyms and fitness studios. It is the instructors' duty to enure sessions are conducted safely.
If you notice something you would like to report, please contact us and we will address the issue promptly.
Where can I learn more about some of the features within App?
Please refer to this User Guide for instructions on booking and managing sessions, earning and redeeming points, and cancellation policies. This guide can also be accessed directly from your App in the "I Need Help" page.