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7 Habits To Finding Zen And Happiness In Everyday Life In 2023

Esther E.

Updated: Mar 22, 2023

2023 is approaching, and even though it is a time for celebration, reflection, and a fresh start, many of us can feel overwhelmed by the chaos and uncertainty of life. We often feel stuck in the day-to-day hustle with no way to find balance and peace. However, finding your Zen can be something other than an unattainable goal- it starts with tuning out the chaos and focusing on your mind and body.

Here are 7 habits that can help you ease into the New Year with peace and clarity:

1. Relax

If the first thing that comes into your mind is, "I don't know how to relax!". First, all you need to do is take some time out of your day, even just an hour or a few minutes, to do something for yourself. This can help relax your mind and body without you constantly feeling overwhelmed. Whether it's making a cup of coffee you love, meditating, doing some light stretches, or simply sitting in silence, scheduled "me-time" each day can help your busy brain unplug and unwind. In doing so, we are recharging and relieving stress which can help give us more control over our moods and sleep.

2. Refresh your mind in nature

There are many ways to find Zen and happiness, but connecting with nature is definitely a great option. Singapore is home to some beautiful parks and gardens; from Fort Canning Park to Lower Seletar Reservoir Park, there's always a place for everyone to take a stroll outdoors! Even just visiting once a week can make a difference. Not only will it help clear your head, but it can also ground you in the present moment. If you want an even better experience, you can also enjoy the beauty of nature while getting fit with a workout class from Seshy! Sessions are typically held outdoors with some nature included too! Enjoy the fresh air and get fit together with a positive community that has the same goals as you.

3. Start exercising regularly

Exercising is no longer just about improving our physical health, but our mental health too. It is scientifically proven to help reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and negative mood. Even better, it is also a great way to clear your mind and boost energy levels! That's why it's crucial to find an activity you enjoy and make it a part of your routine. If you're looking for a relaxing exercise to start with, don't underestimate the power of Yoga. This ancient practice encourages mental and physical relaxation, helping you release emotions and tension. Wondering where to start? Seshy has Yoga classes that you might love!

4. Build healthy habits by journaling

Image credit: @__mythings___

The habit of journalling is incredibly powerful to develop, and it can help you stay mindful and present while giving you perspective on your goals. By keeping a record of your intentions, you make yourself more accountable for reaching them. Journalling can also relieve stress; writing down your negative thoughts and letting them go can help ease some of the burdens when faced with challenging situations. Furthermore, if you want to become more self-aware and learn how to handle life's ups and downs better, journalling might help too! Find a time and place where you won't be interrupted, then focus on your thoughts and clear your mind.

5. Change up your routine and try something new

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a rut, just going through the motions day after day? It's essential to break out of that routine sometimes and do something new to keep yourself excited and motivated. Trying new things can be scary, but it's also a great way to learn more about yourself and the world around you. Plus, it's just plain fun! So go ahead and take that painting class you've always wanted to sign up for or attend the new fitness class you've always wanted to try. You might be surprised at how refreshing and satisfying it can be to shake things up a bit.

6. Set healthy boundaries for your well-being

Image credit: @shespeakstherapy

It is commonly said that good boundaries make for good neighbours, and maintaining strong personal boundaries is key to developing great interpersonal and professional relationships. People pleasers often find themselves saying "yes" to everything without realising that in doing so, they are also saying "no" to other things that may be just as important to them. This can have negative effects on both their personal life and career. That's why setting boundaries can be really helpful for you and the people around you. It allows others to understand your limits and know what's not ok, which helps prevent unnecessary stress or conflict. This is also a part of self-care and self-respect to help you live your life on your terms.

7. Reduce stress by planning your week ahead

Image credit: @annie_plans

You may be skeptical, but planning your day ahead of time is scientifically proven to be one of the best ways to prevent stress. By keeping track of your life in a planner, you can stay on track and realistically determine what's possible to get done in a day and what's not. Plus, planning your days can help you set boundaries with others and yourself, making it easier to schedule time for relaxing and recharging. Most importantly, without dinner plans or exercise time written down in your planner, you might be less likely to make time for these activities — and more likely to overcommit to others. So, if you want to stay committed to taking care of yourself, start planning now!

Before we end this blog, we hope we've inspired you to make positive changes for 2023! We'd also like to tell you a fun fact: Did you know that, according to a recent study, it actually takes an average of 66 days to form a habit? That's right - 66 days!

So, don't get discouraged if you're having trouble making a new habit stick. Just keep at it, and eventually, it will become second nature. And who knows - maybe your new habit will even help you create the Zen life you want!

Finally, If you are keen on trying one of our fitness classes, you can download our Seshy app to get started right away. We've also discussed our fitness classes in detail in our previous blog, so check it out if you want to know more!
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